sub-sahara africa|sub sahara africa in English

egion of Africa that is located south of the Sahara desert

Use "sub-sahara africa|sub sahara africa" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sub-sahara africa|sub sahara africa" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sub-sahara africa|sub sahara africa", or refer to the context using the word "sub-sahara africa|sub sahara africa" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aardvarks live throughout Africa, south of the Sahara

2. [Nest and detritus Acarines in Africa south of the Sahara

3. Wahlberg's eagle breeds in most of Africa south of the Sahara.

4. They live in Africa south of the Sahara and nearby islands including Zanzibar.

5. Most of them are in sub- Saharan Africa.

6. Aardvarks live throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa

7. Despite the fact that North Africa has 90% coverage, Sub-Saharan Africa has a

8. Sub-Saharan Africa, southern Africa, has got over 5,000 medicinal plant species, not harnessed.

9. Bantus in Kenya The Bantu speakers occupy more than half of Africa south of the Sahara

10. Furthermore, 90% of malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

11. And focus most of all on this part of Africa just on the edge of the Sahara.

12. The consumption of electricity in Africa on the continent in Sub-Saharan Africa is equivalent to Spain.

13. Angola ranks second in crude oil production in sub-Saharan Africa.

14. However, absolute poverty rose over the past decade in sub-Saharan Africa.

15. The Crowned eagle is the most powerful raptor of sub-Saharan Africa

16. This is the ratio of optometrists to people in sub- Saharan Africa.

17. What of the rumored unofficial tests by Hexalor in sub-Saharan Africa?

18. That's more people than the entire population here in sub-Saharan Africa.

19. The Bushbuck is a widespread species of antelope in Sub-Saharan Africa

20. This is the ratio of optometrists to people in sub-Saharan Africa.

21. I chose Sub-Saharan Africa because this is a huge delivery territory.

22. Meanwhile, Africa experienced a trend of desiccation which resulted in the creation of the Sahara, Namib, and Kalahari deserts.

23. In Sub-Saharan Africa, cultural views of the lion have varied by region.

24. Berbers are the indigenous inhabitants of the North African littoral, isolated from the rest of Africa by the Sahara Desert

25. AIDS is among the leading causes of death in present-day Sub-Saharan Africa.